

Volunteer With SASN

SASN is a group of members and volunteers who work together to provide in-person and online support to clients, drive clients to and from appointments, promote SASN at events throughout Saskatoon, and keep the community informed about current abortion options in our province. 
Our main areas for member participation are:
The Fundraising Committee helps SASN raise money by planning and executing fundraising events.
Our Advocacy, Outreach & Education Group attends community events to promote SASN, connect with community partners, and advocate for improved abortion access in Saskatchewan.
The Communications team is responsible for our social media, website content, and email list.
Our Client Support group offers the practical support that people need when accessing abortion. This can be a mix of patient navigation, driver coordination, peer to peer support, or accompanying people to appointments. 
The Volunteer & Member Coordinators help to keep all of the folks at SASN connected and coordinated.
Drivers help get clients to and from their appointments, safely and securely. These appointments can be within Saskatoon or to Regina, and may be for abortion care or clinic or lab appointments.
If you would like to volunteer with SASN, we invite you to complete a virtual intake training session, which will familiarize you with the abortion landscape in Saskatchewan, details about our mission, values, and scope of practice, as well as more details about how to get involved.
This session is required for anyone who would like to be part of the Advocacy, Outreach, and Education group and table at public events, is the first step for people who are interested in becoming a driver with SASN, or who are abortion doulas interested in offering client support.

If you have questions about volunteering with SASN, please email our volunteer coordination team at:

support is available

Contact us for more info.