
Scope of Practice

Abortion Care in Saskatoon

This scope is both preliminary and evolving and should be reviewed 6-12 months from when it is established, as practice and community demand may change over time.

We offer our services to people receiving abortion care in Saskatoon, recognizing that as Saskatoon is a location for which a large percentage of Saskatchewans rural and Northern population will access surgical abortion.

All of our services are offered by volunteers and as such may limit our capacity to meet all needs. SASN has a fundamental belief that abortion is a human right and as such will do our best to meet all needs for support, considering the following scope of practice:

The following items are not currently included in our regular scope; however, should the need arise, we do our best to meet individual needs and offer these services where possible:

We Support Your Choices

We do not offer the following services:
We support your choices and can assist you with an informed decision making process, including connecting you with qualified medical healthcare providers, mental health professionals and fact based organizations.
support is available

Contact us for more info.